Digimon Domez
Released by Zag Toys in early 2017, Digimon Domez Collectible Figures are surprise toys featuring a small figurine of a Digimon inside a clear plastic dome. These domes are also stackable, with imprints on the bottom and top points on the toy to stack domes vertically, and with hooks at the base to attach domes horizontally. There are 9 different figures to collect, and each dome originally cost around $5.00.
The "chase character" for this series is Greymon. Both photos shown here were found in this post.
Digimon Plush Mini Bling Bags
Another release by Zag Toys, this time in May 2017, featured the same cast of 9 Digimon as small plush toys. These toys retailed for $8.00 each. As in the Domez release, Greymon is the secret/"chase" character. While initially sold as surprise toys, these plush toys were re-released in August 2017 outside of blind boxes.

Both photos used above are from this post. Note that bootleg versions of these toys can be found here, via AliExpress. The main distinguishing factor between the two lines is the lack of a small key ring at the top of the official, Zag Toys plushes. The bootleg designs also have slightly different embroidery styles.

Digimon 3D Figural Keyring: Series 1
This series of figural keyrings was released in March 2019 by Monogram. While only 9 designs are featured on the packaging of these blind bags, 2 secret designs exist for Demdevimon and Elecmon. Retail prices seemed to vary from ~$5.99 to $9.95.

Above images were found here and here.
Digimon 3D Figural Keyring: Series 2
Also released by Monogram, the second series of these Digimon keyrings were first seen around October 2020, with another 9 standard designs to collect. In this release, two secret designs are also available, this time featuring Etermon and Leomon.

Above image was found here.