First seen advertised by Trendyworld Marketing Corporation, Popzeez are a series of surprise toy based around popsicles. Each popsicle comes with a Popzeez character, a fashion accessory, something for entry into the popsicle "apartment", and two home decorations. Small scented joke papers also come with each toy, as does a collector sheet and a stand for your popsicle home. Each Popzeez is either a Choco, Creamy, Fruity or Rare type, with 48+ different characters in all to collect. So essentially, there's 49 to collect once you find the golden ultra-rare Popzeez.

Although these started to get some press in 2021, not much else can be found about these. These toys seem to be affiliated with the Jay@Play brand name, but have had no press since almost 2 years ago.
Popzeez are still up for sale nowadays, with wild variations in price. The better priced ones I found sat at $5.99. Oddly enough, there is a Popzeez website, where you can also order.